Equine Art Show Prospectus


Presented by the
Washington Thoroughbred Foundation,
Washington Thoroughbred Breeders & Owners Association
and Emerald Downs

“The Horse … and a Whole Lot More!”
July 18 – 20, 2025

Download Prospectus PDF here
Download Entry Form PDF here

By submitting an entry the Equine Art Show, artists agree to abide by all rules, regulations and entry requirements of the show as outlined herein.

Artists: It is important that you review the entire Prospectus and familiarize yourself with the rules and requirements prior to entering.

Tuesday, July 15
SHIPPED ART DUE (must arrive by)
at Emerald Downs
(No art accepted prior to Monday, July 7)
Please be advised that you MUST SHIP via UPS or FEDEX.
The US Postal Service (USPS) will NO LONGER DELIVER directly to Emerald Downs. We apologize for any inconvenience.
See SHIPPING info below.

Wednesday, July 16, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Emerald Downs track level, this day ONLY

Thursday, July 17
Judging takes place
Preview party and reception, 6:30 p.m.
Awards presentation, 7:45 p.m.

Friday, July 18 – Sunday, July 20
Open for viewing and sales, Emerald Downs track level
Friday, 5:30 – 10 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday, 12:20 – 6 p.m.

Sunday, July 20, 5:30 – 7 p.m.
Art pick up, Emerald Downs track level.

Monday, July 21, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Remaining non-shipped art pick up.
Check in at Emerald Downs Security office
(south end of Emerald Downs grandstand).

Return of shipped artwork this week.

Friday, August 1
Art not retrieved becomes the property of the Equine Art Committee.

• The art must capture the elements or essence of the horse, horse racing (but not limited to), the horse industry at large and/or all that surrounds the horse “the horse and a whole lot more.”
Only original equine fine art produced by the entering individual will be accepted. No prints, giclées or other reproductions, except for photography/digital art and sculpture, will be accepted. No copies or derivatives; work cannot be based on copyrighted or previously published materials. We do not accept AI-generated art at this time.
All two-dimensional art (for all age categories) must be properly framed, dry and ready to hang. No exceptions.
For hanging, use adequate, weight-bearing PICTURE WIRE ONLY. NO SAW-TOOTH HANGERS. “Gallery-wrapped” canvases must have either a continuation of the front painting on the edges or solid colored edges. The artwork must be free of visible nails and/or staples. Items NOT properly framed and wired will NOT be accepted for the show. Please inquire if you have questions.
• Pieces that have previously been entered in the Equine Art Show are NOT eligible.
Should any question arise concerning the eligibility and/or category assignment of an entry or any other matter pertaining to the show, the Equine Art Committee shall have the final authority.
• The Equine Art Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any piece at its discretion. The WTF, WTBOA, Emerald Downs and the Equine Art Committee do not discriminate on the basis of age, sexual orientation, disability, race, color, national or ethnic origin in any of their programs or policies.

• Maximum size for two-dimensional art is 48” x 48” including frame. Maximum weight is 25 pounds.
• Maximum size for three-dimensional art is 36” x 36” x 36”. Maximum weight is 40 pounds.
Larger works must receive approval by the Equine Art Committee prior to entry.
• See below for size requirements for Miniatures and Small Paintings.
• All entries will be examined for compliance on arrival.

OilAll oils must be completely dry for entry.
Watercolor – Restricted to water-based media only, such as watercolor, gouache, sumi-e. Digitally-created artworks, even if done in watercolor style, should be entered in the Digital Art/Enhanced category (see below).
Pastel/Drawing – Pastels, pen/ink, pencil, charcoal, etc.
Mixed Media – Two-dimensional art that integrates two or more mediums in the finished artwork. Please list all mediums used and attach to back of the artwork or turn in at the entry table.
Sculpture – Three-dimensional artwork created by carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works, as in relief, intaglio, or in the round.
Objet d’Art – An artistic object, such as jewelry, vessels, furnishings, gourds, etc.
Photography – Representational photographs that have not been digitally or otherwise altered in any way that would be obvious to the majority of viewers.
Digital Art/Enhanced – Two-dimensional art that is created digitally through the use of a computer or tablet. Components such as photos, graphics, etc., must be the original work of the submitting artist. Digitally-created artworks, even if done in the style of another media, must be entered in the Digital Art/Enhanced category. We do not accept AI-generated art at this time.
Miniatures/Small Paintings – Accepted media are Oil, Acrylic, Mixed Media, Watercolor, and Pastel/Drawing. NOTE: Photography and Digital Art/Enhanced pieces are NOT eligible. Artwork (unframed image size) must not exceed 5” x 5” (25 sq. in.). This includes unframed gallery-wrapped canvases with finished sides. Framed artworks must not exceed 8” x 6” (48 sq. in.). All artwork, framed and unframed, must be wired and ready for hanging.

• Adult – $30 first piece, $20 each entry thereafter
• Intermediate (13 to 18 years) – $20 first piece, $15 each entry thereafter
• Pre-teen (8 to 12 years) – FREE
• Children (7 years and under) – FREE
• Miniatures/Small Paintings – $20 for up to five (5) entires
Maximum three (3) entries per artist (except for miniatures).
• Payment (US funds) must accompany entry to be valid. Entry fees are nonrefundable.
EARLY entry is advised to guarantee your entry in the show. The show is limited to 200 pieces total on a first come, first served basis. For early entry, send your completed entry form and payment to: Equine Art Show, 3220 Ron Crockett Dr. NW, Auburn, WA 98001 (checks payable to WTF).

SHIPPED PIECES must ARRIVE BY (not postmarked by) TUESDAY, JULY 15, but should not arrive prior to Monday, July 7.
HAND-DELIVERED entries accepted WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. ONLY (no exceptions), Emerald Downs track level.

• Artists are responsible for delivery and pickup, including return postage, insurance (if desired) and packaging for mailed pieces (see Shipping).
• All artwork must remain on exhibit until the close of racing, Sunday, July 20.
Pick up your entry on Sunday, July 20, between 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. on the track level at Emerald Downs.
• Any remaining items can be picked up by checking in at the Emerald Downs Security Office (south end of grandstand) after 9 a.m. on Monday, July 21.
• Any art not retrieved by Friday, August 1, becomes the property of the Equine Art Committee.

Please DO NOT use shipping “peanuts.” Bubble wrap (or foam for 3D art) is an acceptable means of protection.
Pack each piece separately, if possible. We will re-use the packaging in which the piece(s) arrive for reshipping. If your artwork is sold and needs to be shipped, we will ship it in its original container to the purchaser.
Please make sure the return shipping address is legible on outside of package.
A PRE-PAID RETURN SHIPPING LABEL MUST BE INCLUDED with your artwork. Ship items via FedEx or UPS. Items shipped via USPS may be returned to the artist as undeliverable by the delivering post office!
No cash, postage stamps, checks or money orders will be accepted for return shipping.
• The return of any artwork requiring shipping will be coordinated by the Equine Art Committee by no later than Friday, August 1.

Please be advised that you MUST SHIP via UPS or FEDEX.
The US Postal Service (USPS) will NO LONGER DELIVER directly to Emerald Downs. We apologize for any inconvenience.

It is suggested that all artwork be insured by the artist while it is in transit to and from Emerald Downs. Every precaution will be taken to see that no harm occurs to the entries. The WTF, WTBOA, Emerald Downs and/or the Equine Art Committee are not responsible for loss or damage from any cause. Insured value is normally 65% of the retail price. This is suggested information; the method for determining an insured value is up to you.

A retail price must accompany all entries. A 20% commission will be charged on all art sold, including purchase awards.

Every effort will be made to encourage sales, but it is strongly suggested that artists have their work priced to sell.

Artwork that is sold will remain on display until the close of the show. All sales during the run of the show will be handled by the Equine Art Committee.

If you, or someone else affiliated with you, sells your artwork as a result of it being entered in the show, a 20% commission to the Equine Art Show will be appreciated.

We will accept art valued at any price. We have found from past sales that some highly-priced work does sell. Generally, work that is priced under $1,000 sells the best. When determining the selling price of your artwork, you should consider including the cost of insurance, shipping and packaging in your asking price.

Artists are invited to submit one 8 1/2” x 11” typewritten page, which may include biographical information; a photo; an artist’s statement, if desired, explaining your interest or involvement in art or equine art; and/or contact information. These will be made available to the public in a three-ring binder. Because of space limitations, we cannot display business cards or other promotional materials.

If you need additional entry forms or more information, please contact the WTBOA.
Phone: (253) 288-7878
Fax: (253) 288-7890
E-mail: maindesk@wtboa.com
Website: thoroughbredfoundation.org or washingtonthoroughbred.com

Make checks payable to WTF
Equine Art Show
3220 Ron Crockett Dr. NW
Auburn, WA 98001

Please be advised that you MUST SHIP via UPS or FEDEX.
The US Postal Service (USPS) will NO LONGER DELIVER directly to Emerald Downs. We apologize for any inconvenience.

DO NOT send entry forms and fees to the address below.
See “Shipping” section for more information.

Emerald Downs
Attn: Equine Art Show
2300 Ron Crockett Dr. NW
Auburn, WA 98001


The purpose of the show is to encourage equine artists and to support the arts, in general, as an integral part of all horse-related sports. The art must capture the elements or essence of the horse, horse racing (but not limited to), the horse industry at large, for hobbyists or others, and/or all that surrounds the horse – “the horse and a whole lot more.”

The annual art show garnered recognition from its inception in 1980 through 1996 at the WTBOA Sales Pavilion at Longacres. In 2000 the show was re-inaugurated at Emerald Downs, and in 2019 we celebrated our 20th year of continued growth and success at the Auburn track. After a two-year hiatus in 2020 and 2021, due to the pandemic, the show returned once again in 2022. It is now in its 24th year at Emerald Downs and its 41st year overall.

The show offers over $6,000 in prize money, of which $500 is dedicated to youth categories, featuring a wide variety of media categories and any number of diverse artistic styles. The Intermediate Division Award is open to young people 13 through 18 years of age. The Pre-Teen and Children’s Divisions are open to young people 8 to 12 year of age and 7 years old and under, respectively.

The show is judged by a respected and distinguished artist, gallerist, or other knowledgeable art aficionado.

The art show is presented under the auspices of the Washington Thoroughbred Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and as such, all sponsorships and/or other donations made to the art show are tax-deductible.

In 2024, cash prizes were given in the categories listed below. The Equine Art Committee sincerely thanks the sponsors who made these awards possible.

• Angie Crockett Memorial Best in Show Award
• Bud and Pat Hallowell Memorial Publication Award
• Morrie and Joan Alhadeff Award for Oil
• Dr. Donald & Beverly Turner and Larry & Karen Saxon Award for Acrylic
• Cherie Wright Award for Watercolor
• Equine Art Show Committee Award for Mixed Media
• Jean G. Barclay Memorial Award for Pastel and Drawing
• Morrie and Joan Alhadeff Award for Sculpture
• David L. Parks Memorial Award for Objet d’Art
• Duane Hamamura Memorial Award for Photography
• Equine Art Committee Award for Digital Art
• Vivian F. McMurry Memorial Award for Miniatures
• El Dorado Farms Intermediate Division Award (ages 13 to 18 years)
• Griffin Place Pre-teen & Children’s Division Award (may be split into two categories – Pre-teen for ages eight to 12 and Children’s for ages seven and under)
• Equine Art Committee Poster Awards

The committee anticipates similar award categories and cash prizes for 2024. However, we reserve the right to separate or combine categories or to not place awards if there is insufficient participation in any category.